What is Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows a gynaecologist to look inside the uterus, without giving any cuts. Hysteroscopy is done under general/ local anaesthesia.

When is Hysteroscopy indicated?
Hysteroscopy is used to diagnose and treat the following conditions:
1. Infertility
2. Abnormal menstrual bleeding
3. Postmenopausal bleeding
4. Polyps
5. Fibroids
6. Septa
7. Blocked Fallopian tubes
8. Adhesions
9. Guided biopsy
10. TCRE (Trans Cervical Resection of Endometrium)

How is Hysteroscopy performed?
Hysteroscope is a long & narrow tube, which is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity. Images are transmitted through camera to a screen. Hysteroscopy is often combined with laparoscopy.

What are the benefits of Hysteroscopy?
1. Simple procedure that gives a clear diagnosis
2. No incisions on the body
3. Less post-operative pain
4. Faster recovery
5. Short hospital stay
6. Less risk of infection

Are there any risks associated with Hysteroscopy?
Serious complications are rare in expert hands. Some of the known complications are bleeding, infection, perforation of uterus and fluid overload. A well trained surgeon can manage these efficiently, without any long term effects on the patient.

What is the recovery period following Hysteroscopy?
Hysteroscopy is done on a day care basis. Patients may experience mild abdominal discomfort after surgery, which lasts for few hours.
In most cases, patients can resume work on the next day of surgery.