Fellowship in Gynae Endoscopy, Minimal Access Surgery


Know your mentor

Dr. Jyoti

Dr. Jyoti Mishra – Gynae Endoscopic Surgeon.

Dr. Jyoti Mishra is a well known Gynae endoscopic surgeon of North India.

After her MD in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dr. Mishra began her Endoscopy training in Mumbai in the nineties, when this concept was still in its nascent stage in rest of the country.

She began her training at BEAMS (Bombay Endoscopy Academy and Centre for Minimally Invasive Surgery), Mumbai under the able guidance of Late Dr. Rakesh Sinha.

She was also trained at some of the renowned hospitals of Mumbai namely Sion, Wadia & Tata Memorial.

Later she received a diploma in Gynaec Endoscopy at the University of Kiel, Germany.

During her long endoscopy carrier, Dr. Jyoti practiced for twelve long years in Mumbai. From 2009, she worked with some of the prime hospitals of Delhi NCR. Her skills drew her to other nations, as a visiting consultant at hospitals in Dubai & Nepal.

Currently Dr. Jyoti Mishra is Associate Director & Chief Gynae Laparoscopic surgeon, Jaypee Hospital, Noida.

Due to her keen interest in academics, she has been invited in many conferences at national & international level. She has been a part of various endoscopy training programs for doctors, and a faculty in live surgical workshops.

She presented two papers in 46 th AAGL Conference held at Washington DC in 2017.

Areas of interest – Laparoscopic Myomectomy, endometriosis, sacrocolpopexy & retroperitoneal dissection.


Fogsi Trainer

Dr. Jyoti Mishra is actively involved in ‘FOGSI accredited Basic & Advanced Gynae Endoscopy training courses” and has trained many doctors in last few years. She has been a part of various “Basic Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy Training Courses” held in collaboration with Ethicon Institute of Surgical Endoscopy, Mumbai.


Live Surgical Workshops & Conferences

Dr. Jyoti Mishra has been organizing annual conferences with live surgical workshops since a decade along with expert faculty of national & international fame. To name few are “Vistas in Gynae Endoscopy 2017”, “Endofert 2018”, “Hysteroscopy Road Show2019” at Jaypee Noida.


Why choose us

We believe in providing indepth knowledge of the subject to the trainee, by detailed discussion of each case & surgical technique.

Our mission – Making a perfect endoscopic surgeon who can handle each & every case of Gynae endoscopy with a calm & confident attitude.



MD/MS /DNB /D.G.O. in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

For foreigners and NRIs any equivalent degree of their country.


Duration of Course

6 months


Course Dates

This is an ongoing course.


Maximum Number of Candidates

2 in each course.

Training Programs

  • Basic Gynae Endoscopy Training – 2 weeks
  • Advanced Gynae Endoscopy Training – 4 weeks
  • Diploma in Gynae Endoscopy – 3 months
  • Fellowship in Gynae Endoscopy – 6 months


Fellowship program

  • Minimal Access surgery in Gynaecology has become a necessary surgical tool to master by all gynaecologists in the current scenario. During post-graduation, there is a lot to learn in all aspects of obstetrics & gynaecology. Gynae endoscopy being a specilized branch needs a dedicated training module.
  • This is a six months fellowship program for qualified gynaecologists who want to learn or improve their surgical skills in Gynae endoscopy.
  • Fellows will be exposed to the basics of Gynae endoscopy, then learn as surgical assistants & finally perform the surgery themselves under mentorship. Patient safety will always be atop priority in all circumstances.
  • Fellowship will include following curriculum
    • Case presentations
    • Interactive discussions
    • Journal club
    • Research work
    • Scrubbing in surgeries
    • Ward rounds
    • OPD
      • Fellow should participate in the pre-operative, intra- operative and post-operative care of patients.
      • Fellow may be assigned to perform other professional task to gain additional knowledge and experience in procedures and techniques.
      • Fellows will have free access to various paid endoscopy surgical websites.
      • Fellows will be learning under expert mentorship and guidance of Dr. Jyoti Mishra in a state-of-the-art Infrastructure, with the most advanced equipment.


Overview Of The Training Program


Orientation Classes

  • Introduction to Gynae Endoscopy
  • Laparoscopic anatomy
  • Electrosurgery
  • Fluid balance
  • Port placement
  • Hemostasis
  • Complications

Basic Endoscopy Skills

  • Port placement in different case scenarios as previous scar, large uterus
  • Previous Lscs bladder dissection.
  • Previous surgery adhesiolysis
  • Manipulation of uterus
  • Basic surgeries as Ovarian cyst, Ectopic pregnancy, Tubal cannulation, Polypectomy, Hysteroscopic adhesiolysys. Total Laparoscopic hysterectomy, Laparoscopic myometomy, mild to moderate Endometriosis, Dermoid cystectomy, Fimbrioplasty.


Advanced Endoscopy Skills

  • Suturing & Knotting skills
  • TLH for very large uterus
  • Severe Endometriosis
  • Large/ multiple fibroids myomectomy
  • In bag morcellation
  • Adenomyomectomy
  • Cervical encirclage
  • Severe endomstriosis
  • Hysteroscopic Myomectomy, Ashermann’s, TCRE
  • Sacrocolpopexy, Pectopexy, Hysteropexy
  • Ureteric dissection
  • Radical hysterectomy for CA
*subject to availability of cases


What to expect

By the end of six months, fellow will be able to:

- make decisions about the correct surgery for a particular patient in opd, at the same time explain possible options to the patient

- understand the need of specific instruments required for the desired surgery

- perform independent surgeries

- manage problems encountered during surgery by instrument failure, patient specific issues or rare unexpected pathological findings.

- manage complications confidentaly.


Candidates will also be assessed based on their skills in:

    • Research work
    • Knowledge of anatomy, disease physiology, pathology
    • Surgical techniques
    • Dissection
    • Theory examination – one theory paper at the end of course
    • Practical examination – at the end of course


Certification & Awards

Certificates of fellowship training will be given after passing the theory & practical exam, at the end of six months.

Special awards – to innovative ideas in the field of Gynae endoscopy


How to apply

Fill the attached form & send along with the list of documents to the mentioned address.


List of documents

  • Birth Certificate as proof of date and birth
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Copy of the MCI Registration Certificate
  • Copy of Mark sheets and Degree Certificate of MBBS/MD/MS/Others
  • Copy of Passport/Domicile as proof of Nationality and Address
  • Copy of Visa (if required for NRI candidates)



Apply Here

For other queries call or WhatsApp at 9958989170 / email at  mishradrjyoti@gmail.com